NO NO, no need to eat corpses to be strong... !! Then why do it ? Go vegan please.
There are athletes who don't eat meat and who excell in all disciplines. Carl Lewis was the fastest man on Earth. May it be speed, endurance, or strenght, veganism is the way to go. There is a long list of vegetarian athletes in John Robbins' book "Diet For A New America", like Paavo Nurmi who's got 20 world records and 9 olympic medals or Murray Rose, olympic gold medalist at the age of 17.

Dr Irving Fisher at primate abuse Yale found that randomly selected vegetarians were able to hold their arms at length 9 times longer than members of the Yale football team)
17,003 Consecutive Situps: World Record Held By Vegetarian Alan Jones
US Marine Corps Captain Alan Jones of Quantico, Virginia was struck by polio when he was five years old. Now a vegetarian, Alan could be the fittest man on Earth by amassing a record of physical accomplishments unmatched by any human that ever lived. He holds the world record for continuous sit-ups (17,003 times). In a 15-months period, he accomplished possibly the most remarkable array of physical achievements ever attained by a human being:
Lifted a 75-pound barbell over his head 1,600 times in 19 hours.
Made 3,800 basketball free throws in 12 hours, with 96 pc hit rate.
Swam 500 miles in 11 days, down a river to the ocean.
Skipped rope 43,000 times in 5 hours.
Skipped rope 100,000 times in 23 hours.
Swam 68 miles in a swimming pool without a sleeping break.
Swam half a mile in zero degree Celsius water without a wet suit.
Performed 51,000 sit-ups in 76 hours.
Facts from the book "Diet for a New America" by John Robbins :
Only man to win Ironman Triathalon more than twice: Dave Scott, 6 time winner
Food choices of Dave Scott: Vegetarian
World record holder for 24 hour triathalon, swim 4.8 miles, cycle 185 miles, run 52.5 miles: Sixto Linares
Food choices of Sixto Linares: Strict vegetarian
Athlete who most totally dominated Olympic sport in track and field history: Edwin Moses, undefeated in 8 years, 400 meter hurdles
Food choices of Edwin Moses: Vegetarian
Other notable vegetarian athletes:
Stan Price: World record-bench press
Robert Sweetgall: World's premier ultra-distance walker
Paavo Nurmi: 20 World's records in distance running, 9 Olympic medals
Bill Pickering: World record - swimming English Channel
Murray Rose: World records - 400 and 1500 meter freestyles
Andreas Cahling: Winner - Mr. International body-building championships
Roy Hilligan: Winner - Mr. America body-building championships
Pierreo Verot: World's record for downhill endurance skiing
Estelle Gray and Cheryl Marek: World's record for cross-country tandem cycling
James and Jonathan deDonato: World's record for distance butterfly stroke swimming
Ridgely Abele: Winner of 8 national championships in Karate, including U.S. Karate Association World Championships
VEGAN BODYBUILDING AND FITNESS, featuring athletes like Avi Lehyani , Robert Cheeke(founder of the website and forum), Steve Holt .

Arnold Schwarzenegger says in his book, "Arnold's Body Building for Men":
"Kids nowadays...tend to go overboard when they discover body building and eat diets consisting of 50 to 70% protein--something I believe to be totally unnecessary... (In) my formula for basic good eating: eat about one gram of protein for every two pounds of body weight."
In the documentary "Pumping Iron", he says : "I drink no milk -- Milk is for babies"
JIMI SITKO,personal trainer, strength athlete, vegan

BRENDAN BRAZIER, triathlon champion, vegan.
MAC DANZIG, MMA fighter (mixed martial arts) in UFC. Record: 21-4-1. "A vegan, naturalist, animal lover and serious photographer, Danzig transcends the typical stereotype of a combat athlete." (quote from his website). He's winning against all other fighters, like those who feed themselves with corpses and those who still drink milk like babies.
TIM VAN ORDEN, 100% raw vegan runner, winning most of his races at 40 years old, against runners who are 20 years younger.
RICHARD BLACKMAN : fruitarian fitness trainer, F.I.T (Fruitarian Intense Training),,
CARL LEWIS: sprinter, track and field vegan athlete "who won 10 Olympic medals including 9 golds, and 10 World Championships medals, of which 8 were golds... His 65 consecutive victories in the long jump achieved over a span of 10 years is one of the sport’s longest undefeated streaks." (wikipedia)
DURIAN RIDER: cyclist ultra endurance organicathlete, 100% raw organic fruitarian vegan
ANASTASIA ASHLEY : pro surfer, beautiful and vegetarian

Me, with OrganicAthlete outfit

There is an endless list of vegan athletes on the Animal Liberation Front website.

-Here are just a few:
* Hank Aaron (home run champion, baseball) Source: A Teen's Guide to Going Vegetarian
* B J Armstrong (US Basketball star)
* Al Beckles (body builder)
* Sorya Bonali (ice skater)
* Les Brown (veteran runner)
* Peter Burwash (tennis)
* Andreas Cahling (bodybuilder)
* Chris Campbell (1980 world champion wrestler)
* Joanna Conway (ice skater)
* Sylvia Cranston (triathlete)
* Sally Eastall (Marathon runner - UK No 2, vegan)
* Di Edwards (runner, Olympic semi-finalist)
* Katie Fitzgibbon (marathon runner)
* Clare Francis (sailer)
* Louis Freitas (body builder)
* Carol Gould (marathon runner)
* Estelle Gray (cyclist) Source: A Teen's Guide to Going Vegetarian
* Sammy Green (runner)
* Ruth Heidrich (3-time Ironman finisher, marathoner, age-group record holder, Pres. Vegetarian Society of Honolulu) (vegan) Source: personal acquaintance, also...her book--A Race for Life
* Sally Hibberd (British Women's Mountain Bike Champion)
* Sharon Hounsell (Miss Wales Bodybuilding Champion)
* Desmond Howard (formerly w/Washington Redskins, now w/Jacksonville Jaguars) Source: PETA
* Roger Hughes (Welsh National Ski Champion)
* David Johnson (BAA coach)
* Kathy Johnson (Olympic Gymnast)
* Alan Jones (British ski jumper)
* Billie Jean King (tennis champion) Source: A Teen's Guide to Going Vegetarian
* Killer Kowalski (wrestler) Source: A Teen's Guide to Going Vegetarian

* Jack LaLanne (Fitness guru) (vegan)
* Donnie LaLonde (Former Light Heavyweight Champion of the World. (Lost title to Sugar Ray Leonard)) Source: Article in San Jose Mercury News
* Tony LaRussa (Manager of St. Louis Cardinals - US team) Source: PETA, Animals Agenda, Animals Voice, Veg Times, others
* Silken Laumann (Olympic rower) Source: Cooking Television Show
* Judy Leden (British, European & World Hang Gliding champion)
* Marv Levey (Buffalo Bills Coach)
* Jutta Müller (multiple Windsurfing World Cup Champion) Source: Flutlicht 95/6/18 on Südwest 3 (German TV program)
* Jack Maitland (triathlete and fell runner)
* Cheryl Marek (cyclist) Source: A Teen's Guide to Going Vegetarian
* Leslie Marx (fencer;1996 woman's epee national champion)
* Kirsty McDermott (runner)
* Lindford McFarquar (body builder)
* Robert Millar (cyclist)
* Katherine Monbiot (world champion arm wrestler & nutritionist) (vegan) Source: Vegan Society UK
* Monika Montsho (weightlifter, 2 x runnerup GB Championships 60kg, NW woman weightlifter 1991)
* Edwin Moses
* Martina Navratilova (Retired Tennis Champion) Source: Magazine Interviews/Genesis Awards
* Julie Ann Niewiek (Basketball commentator) Source: Grand Rapids press/ Image Magazine
* Paavo Nurmi
* Robert Parish (Center - Warriors, Celtics, Hornets, Bulls) Source: Hearsay
* Bill Pearl (Bodybuilder, Mr America) Source: Getting Stronger by Bill Pearl, pg 399
* Bill Pearl (Mr. Universe and bodybuilder) Source: A Teen's Guide to Going Vegetarian
* Anthony Peeler (NBA Grizzlies basketball player) Source: NBA web site profiles
* Sopata, Craig (well known golfer in the New York TRI state area. and also a semi-pro skateboarder. He went to Purdue University).
* Dave Scott (5-time winner of the Ironman Triathlon) (vegan) "The New Laurel's Kitchen" cookbook
* Debbie Spaeth-Herring (Georgia State power-lifter) Source: A Teen's Guide to Going Vegetarian
* Jonathon Speelman (chess)
* Lucy Stephens (triathlete - vegan)
* Jacques Vaughn (All American point guard, #1-ranked Univ of KS Jayhawks) Source: Lawrence (KS) Journal World (numerous editions)
* Kirsty Wade (runner)
* Bill Walton (basketball player) Source: A Teen's Guide to Going Vegetarian

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