Why showing that some famous people are vegans ? Just to show that it's not only hippies, punks, nature fanatics, etc...
"oh you don't eat meat you will become anemic, you need b12 and you'll miss this and that" yeah yeah yeah.Some of the most beautiful, brillant and intelligent persons in the world chose to avoid eating meat.
Order a FREE 'Vegetarian Starter Kit' at GoVeg.com.
Read what they have to say here :
Josh Hartnett:
"I gave up meat when I was 12. … One day I was cutting up a chicken for my mom, and I hit a tumor with the knife. There was [pus] and blood all over the place. That was enough for me."
Kim Basinger:
"If you could feel or see the suffering, you wouldn't think twice. Give back life. Don't eat meat."
Wu Tang Clan's Masta Killa:
"I never really liked meat. I was a child that had to be forced to eat my meat. Whatever you ate before [going vegetarian] that you loved—like turkey slices—they've got a substitute now that's not hard to find."
Mmm, Alicia Silverstone, Naomi Watts, such nice bodies, with absolutly no meat rotting inside their beautiful bodies. They're as pure as fresh fruits ; )
Lists of vegans/vegetarians:
Only vegans: http://www.vegansociety.com/
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