"Meat itself does not have taste nor smell so we fry, cook, and season it to improve its taste. When meat is processed, it releases about 20 poisonous substances that can cause damage to blood vessels and the nervous system.The digestion of meat requires large amounts of vitamins and microelements. If we do not eat adequate amounts of raw vegetable salads together with meat, digestion is incomplete and the undigested meat putrefies in our intestines. The putrefaction processes increase the alkalinity of our large intestine, which leads to blood acidity. Alkaline environment promotes the development of diseased cells (especially cancerous). Those who excessively consume meat are the prime candidates for cancer."
Read full article "The Truth about Meat/The Time Bomb" on care2 website by clicking here.
Researcher Ethel R Nelson MD says meat eating is at the root of many health issues:
"For about the past twenty-five years, researchers in human nutrition have pointed to the unrefined plant dietary as a more ideal food than animal products. They have designated the Western world's high-fat animal product, fibre-poor, refined diet as the chief cause of so-called "Western diseases", e.g. coronary heart disease, diabetes, obesity, gallstones, appendicitis, diverticulitis of the bowel, hiatus hernia, hemorrhoids, osteoporosis, kidney disorders, varicose veins, cancer, and accelerated sexual development in children.
Some of today's most prevalent and devastating diseases in the United States have now been credited to excessive consumption of meat and animal products (milk, cheese, eggs) and insufficient ingestion of plant foods."
Some of today's most prevalent and devastating diseases in the United States have now been credited to excessive consumption of meat and animal products (milk, cheese, eggs) and insufficient ingestion of plant foods."
Harvey Diamond explains that humans are not natural carnivores:
"A carnivore's teeth are long sharp and pointed - all of them! We have molars for crushing and grinding. A carnivore's jaws move up and down only, for tearing and biting. Ours can move from side to side for grinding. A carnivore's saliva is acid and geared to the digestion of animal protein; it lacks ptyalin, a chemical that digests starches. Our saliva is alkaline and contains ptyalin for the digestion of starch. A carnivore's stomach is a simple, round sack that secretes ten times more hydrochloric acid than that of a non-carnivore. Our stomachs are oblong in shape, complicated in structure, and convoluted with a duodenum.
A carnivore's intestines are three times the length of its trunk, designed for rapid expulsion of animal proteins, which quickly rot. Our intestines are twelve times the length of our trunks and designed to keep food in them until all nutrients are extracted. The liver of a carnivore is capable of eliminating ten to fifteen times more uric acid than the liver of a non-carnivore. Our livers have the capacity to eliminate only a small amount of uric acid. Uric acid is an extremely dangerous toxic substance that can wreak havoc in your body. All meat consumption releases large quantities of uric acid into the system. Unlike most carnivores and omnivores, humans do not have the enzyme uricase to break down uric acid.
A carnivore does not sweat through the skin and has no pores. We do sweat through the skin and have pores. A carnivore's urine is acid. Ours is alkaline. A carnivore's tongue is rough, ours is smooth. Our hands are perfectly designed for plucking fruit from a tree, not for tearing the guts out of the carcass of a dead animal as are a carnivore's claws."
Some more exerpts from the featured article on care2 "the truth about meat/the time bomb"
The digestion of meat needs large amounts of vitamins and microelements that are taken from the child’s blood. Depleted levels of these substances cause the development of hidden anemia and blood diseases. Ironically, all kinds of allergies, eczemas, and other disorders typical for the age of puberty are usually the result of our parents’ well-intended care. Unaware of the dangers, they cause damage to their children’s health by including too much meat in the diet.
...Eastern philosophy teaches that each food product we consume contains information about its place of birth and development: - the climate, the exposure to sunrays, moonlight, etc. What kind of information can be contained in meat? (Cattle) They are raised their entire lives without sunlight or fresh air. Instead of eating fresh, juicy grass, they are fed hormones and various synthetic feeds.
...Faced with aggression and driven by fear, a slaughtered animal’s body produces large amounts of poisonous hormones, which we consume later as we enjoy our steaks. No wonder that both adults and children become increasingly aggressive and hot-tempered. Aggression always breeds aggression - this old truth is confirmed by the results of high meat consumption.
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